The Big Move Raffle
Posted by Nobody on 17 August 2014
Dear all,
With our move to Druids Glen set for 2015 we are really excited, but also aware that it will take all of our combined efforts to bring the grounds up to the level we require. We need to lay the pitch, install the nets, buy sight screens and more.
We have a number of fundraisers coming up in order to cover some of these costs, and we request your help in order to make these events successful. We have "The Big Move" Raffle ready to roll and need your help to sell the tickets. There are only 5 tickets per book (€20 per ticket) and the big draw will be held at the Summer BBQ on Saturday 20th September.
Over the next week we will be circulating the books, please take one or more. Once you have sold the book you can return it to Ed Fortune at his business in Bray (Fortune Printing) or to Matt Lewis in Greystones(087 7650523).
Best regards,
Fundraising Committee