Safe return to training- guide for players

Posted by Nobody on 8 June 2020

 PHASE 2 (ROI) / STEP 2 (NI)

The guidelines in this document relate to Phase 2 of the Irish Governments Roadmap for Reopening Society and Step 2 of the Northern Ireland Executive Approach to Decision Making.
The key to success will be the collective approach to compliance with the protocols, and there is no obligation for clubs to re-open if they feel they cannot meet their health and safety obligations.
As always follow the Government Guidelines of
Good Hand Hygiene – Respiratory Etiquette – Social Distancing.
Whilst all coaches and players will be extremely keen to start playing it is imperative that coaches set an example and follow these guidelines to ensure that the risk of infection/transmission of the virus is minimised.
Before return to any activity please remember you must stay at home if you:
Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Have been overseas or exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Have flu-like symptoms or are feeling unwell.
Live outside a 20km radius of the club (ROI only).
You must:
Check with your GP prior to playing if you are in a high-risk health category. Find out what protocols are in place at the club.
Ensure your club has up-to-date contact details for you.
Safe Return to Training Directives – Guide for Players

Prior to Training
All players should ensure their club has their up-to-date contact details (phone and email).
All players, and not just the player making the booking, should be included in the booking notes. If there is a change to who is training, it is advisable to make sure the booking is updated.
Players should travel to the club alone, or only with a member of the same household.
Ample car parking spaces should be available to ensure social distancing. If a player must park next to another car, they should wait for the other person to exit or enter before doing so themselves.
A player should arrive at the club entrance no more than 5 minutes prior to the reserved time. It is important that players maintain social distancing and wait in a pre- designated waiting area that allows for social distancing.
Player should check in with the Covid Safety Officer.
Players should observe social distancing at all times and resist the temptation to mingle.
Players should arrive in training kit and change footwear at the car or at home.
Players should sanitise their hands prior to attending the club.
Players should ensure that they utilise toilet facilities in their own home prior to arriving at the club as in some cases club toilets will not be accessible.
Players should note that the club house will not be available in the event of bad weather. Players should return to their car or should have their own appropriate wet weather gear.
Attending Training
Maintain a minimum of two metres to meet social distancing requirements including during observed sessions (no handshakes).
Quarantine waiting area should be available as a designated waiting area.
Ensure all health and safety and emergency first aid guidelines are followed.
Players must provide their own equipment if possible, and this must be kept in a zipped bag when not in use.
Coach is responsible for collecting all of their own equipment/kit – do not share equipment if possible.
Player is responsible for collecting all their own equipment/kit – do not share equipment if possible.
Player is responsible for ensuring they have their own refreshments and/or food.
Schedule sessions at least 15 minutes apart to avoid or limit any crossover of players.
Avoid high intensity physical exercise where possible.
Bowling Machine must be operated by a senior club member/adult or coach and must be wiped down after every use.
The bowling machine operator must wear appropriate hand coverings when feeding the bowling machine
If bowling machines are used, please ensure they are cleaned thoroughly between uses, all balls used are cleaned with disinfectant. This is the responsibility of the bowling machine operator.
Bowling machine balls must be put in buckets of disinfectant solution after each session, removed and left to dry before next session.
If it is a bowling session, player to use their own balls or coach to use plastic balls which have been washed/dried prior to the session.

Batter should not handle the ball - they can kick/knock balls back towards the coach but minimum of 2m social distancing needs to be maintained.
Coach to ensure they have appropriate hand coverings (mitt or gloves) when handling the ball during any skill sessions including when feeding the bowling machine. Where bowling machines are used please ensure they are cleaned thoroughly between uses with dry cleaning products and that all balls used are cleaned with disinfectant. This is the responsibility of the bowling machine operator.
Bowling into an empty net
A bowler may bowl into an empty net.
The bowler should use a box of balls which becomes theirs.
The bowler should pick their own balls up.
The box of balls should be kept by that player and put into their kit for use at further bowling or fielding sessions.
No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball.
Bowling into a mitt
Bowlers should use their own balls. Coaches should wear their own mitt, with a disposable glove on the other hand.
Coaches should use their own mitt to catch the ball and return the ball to the bowler using their gloved hand. No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball.
Mitts should be cleaned with disinfectant or detergent wipes between bowlers.
Gloves should be disposed of after every bowler.
Bowler against batter
Maintain wide social distancing.
Bowler should use their own balls and is responsible for collecting them.
Batter should not handle the balls at all.
Batter should move to the back of the net – they can kick/knock balls back towards the bowler but minimum of 2m social distancing needs to be maintained.
No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball.
Batting against bowling machine
A batter can bat against a bowling machine.
Coach feeding – the coach should pick the balls up at the end of a bucket – and not the batter.
The batter should not be handling the balls.
All balls should be disinfectant cleaned at the end of each batter’s session and the bowling machine, its frame and stand should be wiped down with disinfectant.
Batting against sidearm
Batters should not handle the balls at all. Coach to use own sidearm and collect balls.
Batter should move to the back of the net – they can kick/knock balls back towards the coach but minimum of 2m social distancing needs to be maintained.
Sidearm should be cleaned with disinfectant between each player. The coach should keep the assigned balls as his/her sidearm balls.
Batter against bowler
Maintain wide social distancing.
Batter should not handle the balls at all.
Bowler should use their own balls – and is responsible for collecting them.
Batter should move to the back of the net – they can kick/knock balls back towards the bowler but minimum of 2m social distancing needs to be maintained.
No saliva or sweat should be applied to the ball.
Clubs may reopen their cricket pitch in a way that maintains social distancing.
Zones can be assigned for use. A club may set up a middle net and a number of zone areas around the outfield. Each zone must be treated as an individual booking. A player under 16 must be accompanied by parent/guardian/coach in a zone.
Fielding – throwing into net
A player may throw into an empty net.
The player should use a box of balls which becomes theirs.
The player should pick their own balls up.
The box of balls should be kept by that player and put into their kit for use at further throwing sessions.

Fielding – throwing into mitt
Fielder uses own balls.
Coaches should wear their own mitt, with a disposable glove on the other hand.
Coaches should use their own mitt to catch the ball and return the ball to the thrower using their gloved hand. Mitts should be cleaned with disinfectant or detergent wipes between fielders.
Gloves should be disposed of after every fielder.
Fielding – Catching and throwing to Coach who is using a bat
Coaches should use their own bat to hit catches one-handed, wearing their own mitt on the other hand to catch and feed the hit.
Coaches who use a batting glove and fielding bat should wear a disposable glove inside their batting glove. Coaches should not directly touch balls.
Fielders should use their own balls.
Mitts should be cleaned with disinfectant or detergent wipes between fielders.
Wicketkeeping gloves should be cleaned with disinfectant or detergent wipes after use.
Training groups should be controlled and managed to ensure social distancing is maintained at all times. Group sizes must be in in accordance with Government Guidelines – Clubs have the responsibility to ensure these guidelines are met.
Avoid high intensity physical exercise where possible.
Training groups should be controlled and managed to ensure social distancing is maintained at all times (group size should be in accordance with government guidelines).
Players running must ensure they can leave 2m between them.
Fitness equipment must not be shared.
Cones and any other touch points must be sanitised between each session.
Any player(s) repeatedly not following the club directives should be asked to leave the club.
There should be no spectators present during this phase of reopening.
Parents supervising children should be limited to one and maintain ample distance from the session.
Practice caution with all equipment and avoid letting the athletes touch unnecessarily. Clean all equipment with a disinfectant spray prior to and after use.
Place bowling machine balls in the tubs of disinfectant solution provided.
Cricket balls can be wiped down with an alcohol based wipe. Using an alcohol-based cleaning wipe on the cricket ball after use should destroy any pathogens on the ball and should dry quickly having a minimal effect on the ball.
Although there is no specific evidence that equipment can spread COVID-19, we know that contamination by respiratory droplets from an infected person can potentially survive on hard surfaces for up to three days.
Try to restrict equipment to a particular group.
Clean all equipment with a disinfectant spray at the conclusion of your session.
Players should leave the session and the ground as soon as possible. Hands should be washed and sanitised as soon as possible.
Ensure all your own equipment is cleaned thoroughly after use.
If player or coach becomes unwell after training, they should first contact their GP/HSE/HSC and then inform their club. The club will then follow advice provided to them by the HSE/HSC on the next steps and the club should inform the Provincial Union.
Members should be encouraged to remind other members of the guidelines, in a gentle way, when they witness poor practices.
Repeated poor practice should be reported to the club as soon as possible.

   Safe Return to Training Directives

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